== Installing UnicodeUtils The easiest way to install UnicodeUtils is with RubyGems: $ gem install unicode_utils === Manual installation Two kinds of files must be installed: 1. The library code. All files under <tt>lib/</tt> and <tt>lib/unicode_utils/</tt> with suffix <tt>.rb</tt>. The whole tree under <tt>lib/</tt> must be on the load path. 2. The compiled Unicode data files under <tt>cdata/</tt>. UnicodeUtils loads them from the <tt>UnicodeUtils::CDATA_DIR</tt> directory, which is defined in <tt>read_cdata.rb</tt>. The best strategy is to copy the library files to Ruby's +sitelibdir+. You can get that by running: $ ruby -r rbconfig -e "puts Config::CONFIG['sitelibdir']" Then copy all files under <tt>cdata/</tt> to <tt><sitelibdir>/unicode_utils</tt>. And last but not least, change the definition of +CDATA_DIR+ in <tt><sitelibdir>/unicode_utils/read_cdata.rb</tt> to <tt>File.absolute_path(File.dirname(\_\_FILE\_\_))</tt>. In fact, UnicodeUtils comes with an install.rb script that does all that: $ ruby install.rb install or: $ ruby install.rb install /some/other/dir