.page-header %h1.pull-left = "#{@registration.product.name}: " = @registration.serial_number %br .pull-right %ul.breadcrumb %li = link_to user_product_registrations_path do %i.icon-paste Back to Extended Warranty Redemptions %h2 .thanks %p Thank you for redeeming your %strong #{ @registration.product.name } Extended Warranty! %table{:border => "0", :cellpadding => "6", :width => "560"} %tr %td{:colspan => "2"} %strong %span Americas %tr %td{:width => "140"} %span Hours of Operation: %br/ Phone: %br/ Web: %td %span Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm EST %br/ (843) 884 1575 %br/ %a{:href => "http://www.sawgrassink.com/Portal/Tech-Support/Tech-Support-Wizard.aspx"} sawgrassink.com/getsupport %tr %td{:colspan => "2"} %strong %span Europe, Asia, Africa or Oceania %tr %td{:width => "360"} %span Hours of Operation: %br/ UK Phone: %br/ Spain Phone: %br/ France Phone: %br/ Italy Phone: %br/ Web: %td{:width => "360"} %span Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm GMT %br/ +44 (0) 114 231 8887 %br/ +34 (0) 91 114 7421 %br/ +33 (0) 1 767 00738 %br/ +39 (0) 6 948 05748 %br/ %a{:href => "http://www.sawgrassink.com/Portal/Tech-Support/Tech-Support-Wizard.aspx"} sawgrassink.com/getsupport